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  Frequently asked questions about our software
  1. What is “DealingOffice” used for?

    The program package “DealingOffice” is used for organizing Internet-trading activities at financial companies and banks. The software allows to use Internet connections for instant execution of deals with a certain number of financial instruments, provide online monitoring of current state for each account, watch the history of orders, deals and operations and provide technical analysis. The software has very low requirements to the quality of connection and equipment and can work at very low speed connections.

  2. What are minimum requirements to the equipment and quality of connection for normal performance of the software?

          Requirements to the equipment:
    Client’s terminal – minimum Pentium-I, 16 Mb, Windows 98 and higher
    Dealer’s terminal – minimum Pentium-I, 32 Mb, Windows 98 and higher

          Requirements to connection:
    14,4 kb per second and higher

  3. Where can I find the user’s manual for iTrader?

    You can request the manual from our company sending it to our e-mail info@dealingoffice.com. Our partners publish the manual on their web-sites.

  4. How to make settings for connection through a proxy-server?

    Your computer may be connected to the Internet through a proxy-server, which protects local net from outer attacks. Our trade terminal allows to use several variants of connecting in such situation (TCP-tunnel, Socks).

    1. Setting TCP-tunnel TCP-tunnel is the way of connecting through a proxy-server, when the port of proxy-server is mapped to a corresponding port in our server. In order to make settings for this variant of connection you should make two steps:

      1) System administrator (the one, who has the right to configure the proxy-server) should create a TCP-tunnel with end-point in port 8211 of the server with IP address –;

      2) The connection settings of iTrader must contain the address of a proxy-server in the local net and its port mapped  to the port 8211 of  the DealingOffice server.

      Example: The address of the proxy-server in the local net is
      We create a tunnel through the port 9999 to the port 8211 of the server
      (So we have TCP-tunnel 192. 168.0.254:9999 ->
      In the settings of the connection we write in the server address - and port 9999.
    2. Connection through Socks-server If your proxy-server supports protocol Socks of 4 and 5 versions it is possible to use it for making the connection. In this case the address and the port of the server remain the same as for connection without a proxy, but it is necessary to select the version of the proxy in its parameters: Socks v4, v4a or v5 (ask your system administrator about it), proxy server address and the port of Socks protocol (usually 1080, but it may be changed by the administrator). In case the authorization is required for your proxy you should place a mark in the field “Use authorization” and fill in your login and password

      Attention: When setting the connection through a proxy-server we recommend you to agree on all your actions with the administrator of your local net.

  5. Why there is no news in the trading terminal? Is it possible to receive them?

    For connecting the news block we need a news source. So this function may be added to the terminal if the company which uses it has access to a certain news source.

  6. Is it possible to make any technical analysis with your software?

    The software gives you and your clients the possibility of making technical analysis using charts, support/resistance lines and a number of technical indicators. New indicators are added from time to time.

  7. Is it possible to export data (quotes) to any programs of technical analysis?

    It is possible to export data from the client’s terminal to Metastock – one of the most widely used programs of technical analysis. The number of programs for exporting data may be increased.

  8. How often are improvements introduced to the trading platform? What shall I do in case I have any suggestions?

    The software is produced in series. Between different series new features are updated. Each new version has a wider range of useful features. The process of developing new version usually takes several months while the previous version is updated in order to achieve better performance.

    If you have any suggestions for improvement of the trading terminal you can send us a message info@dealingoffice.com.

  9. Most probable reasons of incorrect performance of the trading platform

    1. Missed or very bad Internet connection between different system components
    2. Wrong settings of a proxy-server
    3. Instable work of the quota-source
      You may get in touch with us by e-mail info@dealingoffice.com for solving these problems.

  10. Is it possible to introduce new features into your software and how much will it cost? What is necessary for adding new instruments?

    When signing the contract we agree upon a certain “basic package”, which includes a certain  number of financial instruments and intended for certain trading terms such as lot size, necessary margin etc. New instruments may be added for additional payment on your request – it is necessary to send us your inquiry with the description of the instruments you want, trading conditions and quota source. Our specialists calculate the cost of introducing these instruments into the system – it depends on the scale of planned introductions and volume of work connected with it.

  Questions on organizing online-dealing
  1. How to become your partner?

    You may come to our office or send a corresponding request to our e-mail address: info@dealingoffice.com. We will discuss the details of our possible cooperation to our mutual benefit.

  2. Where can I find information on financial figures and business-plan of a dealing centre?

    You will receive this information after sending the corresponding request to our e-mail.

  3. What is necessary for organizing online-dealing? What is estimated cost of it?

    In the section "Business Solutions" you may find information on this matter. You will also find the plan of estimated costs for organizing a dealing centre  on the basis of our trading software.

  4. What are the terms of payment for your trading software?

    We have different variants of payment by installments, which can be discussed before signing the contract for the purchase of the software. They allow you to pay for the software, getting income from its use.

  5. How can I receive more detailed information about your software?

    You may come to our office or receive consultation from our distributors.

  6. What other companies use your trading platform?

    You may find links to several web-sites of our clients. Some of our clients prefer not to disclose information about them.

  7. How long does it take to organize online-trading?

    Installation and configuring the trading software is made within one day. Training the personnel – usually 2-3 days. If you have a thoroughly developed structure of your future company and trading terms – it ‘s a matter of several days. If you don’t have such knowledge – it is necessary to make economic basis for the future project. Our specialists will help you in this process.

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